Historical Sites

Have a passion for heritage? Set out on a fun and educational walking history tour! Discover our communities’ heritage sites and buildings and learn about important events and colourful characters. In the links below, we’ve compiled some stops of interest for you to enjoy. For more information about our communities’ past, be sure to visit our museums.

Port Haney Heritage

Beginning at the refurbished Port Haney Wharf, the Maple Ridge Heritage walk takes you through an underpass of the Haney Bypass to historic Haney House. Stop and admire the view of the Fraser River, sit on a bench in the Haney orchard at the top of the garden or stop-in for lunch at the Billy Miner Pub. The River Walk is open year round.

Port Haney Heritage Sites & Walking Map

Pitt Meadows Heritage

Ready to take a walk back in time? There are various heritage buildings in Pitt Meadows within walking distance of each other and many are located just off Harris Road. You can start or end your walk with a picnic at Harris Road Park where kids can cool off in the spray-park or have lunch or dinner at Akasaka (McMyn Masson Heritage House) or Pad Thai (once known as Schlick Harware).

Pitt Meadows Heritage Sites and Walking Map

Heritage Registers

If you are passionate about heritage buildings and sites, you may want to check out our communities’ Heritage Registers. Properties and sites included in the Registers are those with qualities and characters that are recognized as significant and contribute to the respective community’s heritage.

Pitt Meadows Register

Maple Ridge Register

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