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Pitt Meadows Economic Development Corporation

Natural Opportunity. We’re Committed to growth!

The City welcomes business investment, whether you operate globally or you are just starting up.

Pitt Meadows is conveniently located only 45 minutes from downtown Vancouver and Vancouver International Airport, 25 minutes from Abbotsford International Airport and within 30 minutes of three US border crossings. Oh, and did we mention that we have the Pitt Meadows Regional Airport and the CP Rail Intermodal Yard located in our community?

Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur, already an established business owner or are considering an expansion, Pitt Meadows is the place to be.

Pitt Meadows PMEDC Website

Invest Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge is poised for unprecedented growth. We’ve got some of the most affordable land in Metro Vancouver, and our population is forecast to double. Our goal is for 50% of that new residential growth to take place in the Town Centre. Mayor Daykin and Council are committed to the Town Centre and creating a vibrant economy. That’s why we’ve created an innovative, aggressive three year program to attract investment and accelerate development.

Town Centre Investment Incentive Program at a glance

Maple Ridge Investment Incentives



The CLS site is now includes TWO Maple Ridge options available via ‘drop down’ boxes:

Maple Ridge, Metro Vancouver that includes the entire District; and
Maple Ridge Town Centre that includes just the Town Centre area where the Investment Incentive applies

This initiative aligns well with the District goal to attract commercial and industrial investment by making it easy for buyers to connect with realtors and sellers; and it completes one of our Strategic  Economic Initiatives Business Plan goals.



The Invest Maple Ridge website now includes a Global TV segment where realtor Sarah Daniels profiles Maple Ridge as a great place to live – citing affordability, lifestyle and great downtown shops among her reasons.


Current Investment Opportunities in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows


FACTSQUALITYINNMAPLERIDGE-Cushman brochure Feb 2012 (price reduced $4875000)

The owner of this 61 room full service hotel has further decreased the price and is motivated to sell.  The well established Pantry Restaurant tenant has a new lease and a 60 seat pub area with a Liquor Primary License can be leased or operated by a new owner.

If you have not seen this hotel and are interested in considering a purchase please do give one of the listing agents a call. The bank currently with a mortgage on this property will consider a new mortgage for a qualified purchaser.

If you have an interest in purchasing a hotel and this opportunity does not fit your investment criteria please give me a call to discuss your requirements in detail.


Angus Wilkinson,  M.I.H.
Tyne Hospitality Services Limited
5215 Keith Road
West Vancouver, B.C. V7W 2M9
Phone: (604) 618-8778
Fax: NONE-Scan & EMail

[email protected]

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