
New Osprey Village Farmers Market Opening in Pitt Meadows

By Kristina, July 19th, 2010

To Market, To Market… you won’t find a fat pig as the song goes, but you will find freshly picked vegetables, fruit, free range eggs, hot bannock, chai tea, smoothies and more at the new Osprey Village Farmers Market, every Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m, August 1st through to September 19, located in Pitt Meadows at the south end of Bonson Road.

This new farmers’ market is a pilot project of the Haney Farmers Market Society who manages the popular Haney Farmers Market in Memorial Peace Park on 224th in Maple Ridge which runs every Saturday from May to November as well as the Port Coquitlam Farmers Market on Thursday afternoons.  “We were invited to put on the Market by the Osprey Village Business Association and the Society felt that Pitt Meadows is a great place in which to expand.  Osprey Village has the charming old world feel that makes the market experience so special” said Eileen Dwillies, Market Manager.  “Its location by the Fraser River beside the beautifully kept walking trails will make shopping for fresh produce a pleasure.  And farmers’ markets are more than just a place to shop; there is music, entertainment, children’s activities, a chance to meet your friends for a conversation and time to just wind down.”

Opening ceremonies will be at noon on Sunday, August 1st with a welcome by Mayor Don MacLean and Chief Jay Bailie of the Katzie First Nation who will then do a Blessing.   The Farmers’ Carrot Cake will be cut by Miss Pitt Meadows, Katie Bachmann, herself a farmer’s daughter from a long line of dairy farmers.

For a small donation, the street hockey group will provide a bicycle lock up for those who prefer to pedal to the market.  Be sure to bring your own shopping bags.

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