Employment Opportunity at Tourism Maple Ridge Pitt Meadws
By Kristina, October 14th, 2010
Tourism Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows (TMRPM) is seeking a motivated individual to participate in a Job Creation Project.
This initiative, funded by the Province of British Columbia under the Employment & Labour Market Services, enables participants to receive benefits while experiencing the opportunity to enhance or maintain their employment skills and develop a network of future employers.
Positions are open only to individuals who are currently receiving unemployment benefits or have done so in the past 36 months or to individuals who are returning to work for the first time following a maternity/paternity leave within the past 5 years.
Employment skills include: Hospitality Personality, customer service; organizational skills; competent knowledge of Microsoft Word; Excel; Internet email; communication skills, both spoken and written and an acute attention to detail.
The TMRPM project will address the objectives of the organization by creating an inventory of community events, promoting events and the community through social media, web site maintenance, media releases and story ideas, representing the community at events and business functions and be trained as a travel counsellor to assist visitors who come to the Visitor Centre.
This position will require the applicant to work weekends during the months of July and August.
This full time position, 35 hours a week, is contracted for a term no longer than 52 weeks or until the participant obtain other employment. Candidates will be approved by their caseworker prior to being offered a position. Salary is equal to EI Benefits.
Applicants must be E I. eligible.
Deliver resumes to [email protected] or mail to 12492 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2J4. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE.