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WildPlay Elements Parks, Maple Ridge!

By Kristina, February 07th, 2013

Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows

Looking for adventure that promotes such positives as heath and sustainability? Look no further
as we are lucky to have such a solution right in our own community at WildPlay Elements Parks!

Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows

This outdoor adventure park is nestled in the wooded area close to Golden Ears Park and along
the Alouette River in Maple Ridge. An hour east of Vancouver and 8 minutes from Downtown
Maple Ridge, it’s easily accessible to all Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley Communities!

Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Wild Play

There are NO worries about disturbing the neighbors as WildPlay encourages monkey business
with such course elements as Monkido Classic, Monkido Buddy and Monkido Kids. Included
in these elements is a 90 meter Zip Line and 4 levels of adventure courses, geared toward people ages 7 years and up  and varying user levels; it’s designed for you to decide what your next step is!

Monkido Aerial Adventure Course

Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows

WildPlay  is re-opening for the 2013 season March 2! Hours of operations and check-in times can be found at WildPlay Maple Ridge. Live wild because this is serious Monkido business with  WildPlay!

Demonstration video provided by,  Tourism Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, Wild Play

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