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Haney Farmers Market at the Earth Day Celebration

By Kristina, April 05th, 2012

Tired of Winter?  Come to Memorial Peace Park on Saturday, April 21 between 10 and 2 p.m. and you will find it filled with roving entertainers, flash mobs, electric vehicles, bikes, crafts, booths and animals as we celebrate all things green!

It’s the Annual Earth Day Celebrations and Haney Farmers Market is a huge part of this!
In the Marketplace we will have early vegetables including radishes, at Never Say Die’s table and Spring lettuces at Nature and Living’s booth; Mom & Me or Sweet Thea will have fresh pies and cookies, Candace will have warm scones and hot coffee ready for you.

We have Samosas, Smokey Dogs and Kettle corn.
The Market Children will be making a fabulous paper mache world. Drop by and answer the question of the week. Buy a membership and receive $10 booklet of market coupons. Watch for the vendors who have “Member only specials”.

Enjoy the Green Plate Special at Big Feast Bistro in their special Earth Day location beside Vango Espresso and Culinary Blossom’s sweet treats.
They are located up near the ACT.

It is Ridge Meadows Recycling’s 40th Anniversary. They have outdone themselves with challenging workshops in the Bandstand – have you ever seen a Garbage Band – how many outfits can you turn two articles of clothing into – and some other mystifying and clever events.

The Little Black Box Photo Booth will record your funniest moments, check them out!

In the ACT you will find Freecycle clothing, toys and books exchange, a quiet moment with StoryTime from the Library, children’s crafts and singing and dancing.

It’s going to be a day to remember!


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